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Valid Anagram Leetcode

The prompt

Given two strings s and t, return true if t is an anagram of s, and false otherwise.

What is an Anagram?

An anagram is a word or phrase that can be formed by using the exact same letters from another word. An example of an anagram is the word HEART, and EARTH. We use the exact same letters to form a completely different word. Hopefully that makes sense.


ExampleInput 1Input 2Output


1 <= s.length , t.length <= 5 * 104
s and t consist of lowercase English letters.

Solution #1: (Hash Map)

def hash_is_anagram(first_word: str, second_word: str) -> bool:
    first_hash_map = dict()
    second_hash_map = dict()
    # Loops through the first word and creates a hashmap
    # with a count of each letter occurrence
    for letter in first_word:
        # We used \`.get()\` to avoid Key Error:
        first_hash_map[letter] = first_hash_map.get(letter, 0) + 1
    for _letter in second_word:
        second_hash_map[_letter] = second_hash_map.get(_letter, 0) +1
    # Compares both hash_maps
    return first_hash_map == second_hash_map
Multiple Assignment
In python you could also do first_hash, second_hash = {}, {} ← This is called multiple assignment.
The curly braces represent a dict in python.
How does it work?
Alright, time to tackle this one.
The easiest solution that comes to mind is to count all letter occurrences and storing them in a hashmap or python's evil twin dict.
To make this work we will have to loop through both words, save the letter as the key and keep adding to that letter count if a new occurrence is found to the value.
Our dict would look like this for the word HEART:
anagram_hash_map = { "H":1, "E":1, "A":1, "R":1, "T":1 }
In this example we do not have any duplicate letter, but if we did, then we would simply add it to its respective key.
For example the HELLO word, would yield the following:
anagram_hash_map = { "H":1, "E":1, "L":2, "O":1 }
Notice how L value is 2 instead of 1, since there where two occurrences for the letter O.
Time Complexity: O(n) -> Two for loops n letters in the word Space Complexity: O(n) -> Two variables created for the hashmap
Time ComplexitySpace Complexity

Solution #2: (Clever Sort)

def sort_is_anagram(s: str, t: str) -> bool:
    return sorted(s) == sorted(t)
How does it work?
Looks simple right?
The basis of this solution is to sort both strings and then compared them.
Why does this works?
It works because when we sort the word HEART, we get the following:
['A', 'E', 'H', 'R', 'T']
Multiple Assignment
In python a quick way to sort a word in python is to use the sorted(your_word) function. Using sort will return an array of all the letters. Do remember that majority of sorts have a time complexity of O(n log n)
Now, for the other word to be an anagram of HEART what do you think we should get? Yes! You are correct, we should get the exact same sorted array as above for it to be an anagram.
Let's try it...
['A', 'E', 'H', 'R', 'T']
Would you look at that!?
We have already done most of the work. At this point we simply compare the two arrays for equality. If the arrays are equal, then we return True. Otherwise, we return False since we do not have an anagram.
Do keep in mind that this solution has a wors time complexity that the previous due to the sorting.
Time ComplexitySpace Complexity
O(n log(n))O(n)
But why is the time complexity O(n) we did not create a new variable. Well... we do need to keep in mind that the sorted() funtion has a time complexity of O(n). If you need more information, feel free to read about Timsort which is the algorithm that the sorted() function uses in the bakground.
Hopefully this was helpful! Keep on Coding!
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